Brassapalooza Application

Registration can be completed right here on this Web site.

Step One: Release and Waiver

Please download this form, print it, read it carefully, and bring it signed to your first day of camp. Our insurance company requires us to have this form on file for each camper.

Step Two: Application

Please fill out the below form and click “Apply” to register. Boldfaced fields are required.

Step Three: Payment

Tuition is $495.00 per student. (Includes $50 non-refundable deposit. No refunds after June 30, 2024.)

Once we receive your application, we will email you an invoice. You’ll be able to pay it securely online or print out a copy of the invoice to mail in with a check. Please keep an eye out for the invoice email. Once you’ve paid the invoice, your Brassapalooza registration will be complete.

    Instrument *

    Student's Pronouns *

    Shirt Size (adult sizes) *

    Photo Release: *
    I give permission for my child to be photographed during rehearsal or the concert for anonymous inclusion in future Brassapalooza marketing materials, including

    Student Transportation: *
    I give permission for my child to find their own way home (e.g. taking the bus or walking)

    Release / Waiver Acceptance: *

    I (parent / legal guardian of camper) have read, understand, and accept the Brassapalooza Release and Waiver form, and will present a printed out and signed copy of it on the first day of camp.


    (After you click "Apply," please keep an eye out for an email invoice from which to pay tuition. Once you pay the invoice, your Brassapalooza registration will be complete.)

    Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.